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**Chicken Cucumber Curry Recipe**

  **Preparation Time**: 20 minutes 

**Cooking Time**: 30 minutes 

**Total Time**: 50 minutes 

**Servings**: 4-6 servings


Chicken cucumber curry is a flavorful and nutritious dish that combines tender chicken pieces with the subtle sweetness of yellow cucumbers, enriched with aromatic spices. This dish is beloved in many households for its comforting flavors and wholesome ingredients. Whether served with rice or bread, it’s a versatile main course that appeals to a wide range of palates.

 **Importance of Ingredients**:

Each ingredient in this recipe plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall taste and nutritional value:

- **Chicken**: Provides high-quality protein, essential for muscle growth and repair.

- **Yellow Cucumber (Dosakaya)**: Adds a refreshing crunch and mild sweetness, rich in vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals like potassium and magnesium.

- **Spices (Cloves, Cinnamon, Bay Leaf, etc.)**: Contribute aromatic flavors and have potential health benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

- **Ginger Garlic Paste**: Enhances the depth of flavor and offers potential health benefits including immune-boosting properties.

- **Garam Masala**: A blend of ground spices that adds warmth and complexity to the dish, contributing to its distinct flavor profile.

 **Occasions and Who Can Enjoy It**:

Chicken cucumber curry is versatile enough to be enjoyed on various occasions:

- **Family Meals**: Perfect for everyday dinners, offering a balanced mix of protein and vegetables.

- **Special Occasions**: Can be served at gatherings and celebrations due to its comforting and crowd-pleasing nature.

- **Health-conscious Individuals**: Suitable for those looking to incorporate lean protein and vegetables into their diet.

- **Cultural Relevance**: Celebrated in Indian cuisine and appreciated globally for its flavorful combination of ingredients.

 **Benefits and Uses of Having This Recipe**:

- **Nutrient-Rich**: Provides a balanced mix of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

- **Versatile**: Can be paired with different types of bread, rice, or enjoyed on its own.

- **Easy to Prepare**: Requires simple ingredients and straightforward cooking methods.

- **Customizable**: Easily adaptable with additional vegetables or adjusting spice levels according to personal preference.


·       500 g Chicken, cut into pieces

·       2 Yellow cucumbers (Dosakaya) or 500 g, peeled and sliced

·       1 Tomato, sliced

·       1 Onion, sliced

·       2 tsp Ginger garlic paste

·       1 tsp Garam masala powder

·       3-4 tsp Oil

·       1 tsp Turmeric powder

·       Salt, to taste

·       2-3 tsp Chili powder (adjust to taste)

·       1 Bay leaf

·       4-5 Cloves

·       1 small piece Cinnamon stick

·       1 Anas flower (optional)

·       1 Jaji Nut/Nutmeg (optional)

·       1 tsp Shajeera (Caraway seeds)

·       Fresh Coriander leaves for garnish

 **Detailed Cooking Instructions**:

1. **Preparation**:

   Start by gathering and preparing all the ingredients as mentioned in the list above. Wash and cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces. Peel and slice the yellow cucumbers (Dosakaya), ensuring uniform thickness for even cooking. Slice the onion, tomato, and gather all the spices and other ingredients.

2. **Tempering and Initial Cooking**:

   - Heat a large pan or pressure cooker over medium heat. Add oil and allow it to heat up.

   - Once hot, add cloves, cinnamon stick, bay leaf, Anas flower (if using), Jaji Nut/Nutmeg (if using), and Shajeera (caraway seeds). Fry for about a minute until they release their aromatic flavors.

3. **Sautéing Onions and Tomatoes**:

   - Add the sliced onions to the pan and sauté until they turn translucent.

   - Then, add the sliced tomatoes and cook until they soften and begin to break down, stirring occasionally.

 4. **Adding Spices and Ginger Garlic Paste**:

   - Reduce the heat to medium to prevent burning the spices. Add salt, chili powder (adjust according to spice preference), turmeric powder, and ginger garlic paste.

   - Mix well and cook until the raw smell of ginger garlic paste dissipates and the mixture becomes fragrant.

 5. **Cooking Chicken**:

   - Add the chicken pieces to the pan or pressure cooker. Increase the heat to medium-high and sauté the chicken with the spice mixture, ensuring each piece is coated evenly. This step helps in sealing the flavors into the chicken.

 6. **Pressure Cooking (if using a cooker) **:

   - If using a pressure cooker, after sautéing the chicken for a few minutes, close the lid and cook for about 3 whistles on medium heat.

   - Turn off the heat and allow the pressure to release naturally. Once safe to open, check if the chicken is tender.

 7. **Adding Cucumber**:

   - Once the chicken is partially cooked (if cooking in a pan), or after pressure cooking (if using a cooker), add the sliced cucumber pieces to the curry.

   - This step allows the cucumber to cook along with the chicken, absorbing the flavors of the curry.

 8. **Simmering and Thickening**:

   - If using a pan, add a little water to achieve the desired consistency of the curry.

   - Simmer on low heat until the chicken and cucumber are fully cooked and tender, and the curry thickens. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

 9. **Adding Garam Masala and Final Garnish**:

   - Once the curry reaches the desired consistency, sprinkle garam masala powder over the curry and mix well.

   - Garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves for added freshness and color.

 10. **Serving**:

    - Serve hot, accompanied by steamed rice, roti, or any bread of your choice.

    - Chicken cucumber curry is a complete meal in itself, offering a balance of protein, vitamins, and essential nutrients.


Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days. Reheat gently on the stove or microwave until piping hot before serving.

 **Health Benefits and Uses**:

- **Protein-Rich**: Chicken is an excellent source of lean protein, necessary for muscle repair and growth.

- **Vitamin-Packed**: Yellow cucumbers are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, which support immune function and promote healthy skin and vision.

- **Mineral Content**: Contains essential minerals like potassium and magnesium, crucial for electrolyte balance and nerve function.

- **Digestive Aid**: The combination of spices and ginger garlic paste aids digestion and can help alleviate digestive discomfort.

- **Versatile Dish**: Suitable for various dietary preferences and adaptable with additional vegetables or adjusting spice levels.

 **Cooking Tips and Variations**:

- **Spice Level**: Adjust chili powder according to personal preference for heat.

- **Vegetable Additions**: Enhance with additional vegetables such as potatoes, bell peppers, or carrots.

- **Creamy Variation**: For a creamy texture, add a splash of coconut milk or cream towards the end of cooking.

- **Variations**: You can personalize this recipe by adding vegetables like potatoes or bell peppers for extra texture and flavor. Adjust the spice levels according to your preference.

- **Health Benefits**: This dish is not only delicious but also nutritious. Chicken provides high-quality protein while cucumbers are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals. It’s a wholesome meal suitable for a balanced diet.

- **Cultural Significance**: In many cultures, including Indian cuisine, curries hold a special place as traditional comfort food. Each region has its own variation of curries, often reflecting local ingredients and culinary traditions.

 **Nutritional Information (per serving, based on 6 servings) **:

This section can include a breakdown of the nutritional content of the dish, highlighting its protein, fiber, vitamin, and mineral content per serving.

- Calories: Approximately 240 kcal

- Protein: 25g

- Carbohydrates: 9g

- Fiber: 2g

- Sugar: 4g

- Fat: 11g

- Saturated Fat: 2g

- Monounsaturated Fat: 6g

- Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g

- Cholesterol: 70mg

- Sodium: 600mg

- Vitamin A: 1200 IU

- Vitamin C: 20mg

- Calcium: 60mg

- Iron: 2mg

 **Nutritional Breakdown and Benefits**:

1. Protein: Chicken provides a significant amount of high quality protein, essential for muscle repair and growth.

2. Vitamins and Minerals:

- Vitamin A: Supports vision health and immune function.

- Vitamin C: Acts as an antioxidant and supports immune health.

- Calcium and Iron: Important for bone health and oxygen transport in the body.

- Potassium: Helps maintain fluid balance and supports heart health.

3. Fiber: Contributes to digestive health and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

4. Healthy Fats: The dish contains moderate amounts of healthy fats from cooking oil, which are essential for overall health and nutrient absorption.

5. Low in Sugar: Contains natural sugars from vegetables, making it a balanced choice for those watching their intake.

 **Health Benefits**:

- Weight Management: High protein content helps in increasing satiety and managing weight.

- Immune Support: Vitamins A and C support immune function, helping the body fight infections.

- Heart Health: Low in saturated fats and sodium, which are important for heart health.

- Bone Health: Calcium and vitamin D support bone health and strength.

**Uses and Serving Suggestions**:

Serve the Chicken Cucumber Curry hot with steamed rice, roti, or any bread of your choice. It’s a complete meal on its own, providing a balanced combination of protein, vegetables, and essential nutrients. Enjoy it for lunch or dinner, and refrigerate leftovers for up to 2-3 days.

This nutritional information provides a snapshot of the health benefits and nutrient content of the Chicken Cucumber Curry, making it a wholesome and nutritious choice for any mealtime.

 **Presentation and Servings**:

Chicken cucumber curry can be presented attractively with a garnish of fresh coriander leaves on top. Serve in a deep bowl alongside steamed rice or freshly made roti for a wholesome meal. This recipe typically serves 4-6 people, making it ideal for family meals or gatherings.


Chicken cucumber curry is not just a dish; it’s a culinary experience that blends aromatic spices with nutritious ingredients. Its versatility allows it to be enjoyed on various occasions, catering to different tastes and dietary needs. Whether you’re looking for a comforting meal or a nutritious addition to your menu, this recipe offers both flavor and health benefits in every bite.

 By following these detailed instructions, you can create a delicious chicken cucumber curry that is sure to become a favorite at your table. Enjoy the process of cooking and savoring this delightful dish with your loved ones!
