Easy Mutton Curry Recipe Pressure Cooker | Quick Mutton Gravy Curry Cooker | Simple Pressure Cooker Mutton Curry | One-Pot Mutton Curry Cooker | Instant Mutton Curry Pressure Cooker | Tender Mutton Gravy Cooker Recipe | Fast Mutton Curry Cooker Method | Mutton Curry Cooker Indian Style | Pressure Cooker Mutton Masala | Homemade Mutton Curry Cooker

**Mutton Curry Recipe**

**Preparation Time**: 15 minutes 

**Cooking Time**: 40 minutes 

**Total Time**: 55 minutes 

**Servings**: 4-6 servings 


Mutton curry is a quintessential dish in many cultures, known for its rich flavors and tender meat. This recipe combines aromatic spices, tender mutton, and a blend of onions and curry leaves to create a hearty and satisfying curry. Whether prepared for a family meal or a festive occasion, mutton curry holds a special place in Indian cuisine for its depth of flavor and versatility in presentation.

 **Importance of Ingredients**:

- **Mutton**: Mutton, or mature sheep meat, contributes robust flavor and texture to the curry. It's rich in protein, iron, and B vitamins, making it a nutritious choice.

- **Onions**: Onions provide sweetness and depth to the curry base when caramelized. They are also rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and B.

- **Curry Leaves**: These aromatic leaves add a distinct flavor and fragrance to the dish, commonly used in South Indian and Sri Lankan cuisines.

- **Spices**: Chilli powder, garam masala, and ginger garlic paste form the spice backbone of the curry, enhancing its flavor profile.

- **Coriander Leaves**: Fresh coriander adds a pop of color and freshness to the finished dish, complementing the spices.

 **Occasions and Who Can Enjoy It**:

Mutton curry is enjoyed on various occasions, from everyday meals to celebrations like weddings and festivals. Its hearty nature makes it suitable for family gatherings, where it can be served with rice or bread. Its rich flavors appeal to meat lovers and those seeking a comforting, flavorful meal.

 **Benefits and Uses of Having This Recipe**:

- **Nutritious Meal**: Mutton provides essential nutrients like protein and iron, important for muscle health and energy production.

- **Versatile Dish**: Mutton curry can be customized with different spices and ingredients, making it adaptable to regional tastes and preferences.

- **Flavorful Leftovers**: The flavors of mutton curry often intensify when reheated, making it a great option for meal prepping or leftover enjoyment.


  • 500 grams Mutton, cleaned and washed
  • 5-6 tablespoons Oil (vegetable or any cooking oil of your choice)
  • 5 Onions, peeled and finely sliced
  • A handful of Curry Leaves
  • Salt, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons Chilli Powder (adjust according to spice preference)
  • 2 tablespoons Ginger Garlic Paste
  • 1 tablespoon Garam Masala powder
  • A handful of Fresh Coriander Leaves, chopped

**Detailed Cooking Instructions**:

1. **Preparation**:

   - Start by washing the mutton pieces under cold water to remove any bone fragments or impurities. Drain and set aside.

   - Peel and finely slice the onions. Keep them separate from other ingredients for easy access during cooking.

   - Gather all other ingredients near the cooking area to streamline the cooking process.

2. **Cooking Process**:

   - Heat a pressure cooker over medium heat and add the cooking oil. Allow it to heat up.

   - Add the sliced onions to the hot oil and sauté until they turn golden brown. Stir occasionally to ensure even cooking and prevent burning.

   - Season the onions with salt during cooking to help draw out moisture and aid in caramelization.

   - Add curry leaves to the cooker once the onions are browned, allowing their flavor to infuse into the oil and onions.

3. **Adding Spices and Mutton**:

   - Once the onions are caramelized, add chilli powder to the cooker. Adjust the amount based on your preferred spice level. Mix well to incorporate the spices evenly.

   - Add the washed mutton pieces to the cooker. Increase the heat slightly to medium-high and sauté the mutton with the onion-spice mixture for about 10 minutes. This step seals in the flavors and partially cooks the mutton.

4. **Pressure Cooking**:

   - Pour in approximately 1 cup of water to create steam and pressure inside the cooker. This liquid is essential for cooking the mutton thoroughly and creating a flavorful gravy.

   - Securely close the lid of the pressure cooker and turn the heat to high. Allow the cooker to build up pressure until you hear 5-6 whistles. Each whistle indicates the release of pressure, which cooks the mutton quickly and evenly.

   - Once the required number of whistles is heard, turn off the heat and allow the pressure cooker to naturally release its pressure. This resting period allows the mutton to continue cooking in its juices.

5. **Final Touches**:

   - Once the pressure has fully released and it's safe to open the cooker, check the mutton for tenderness. The pieces should be easily pierced with a fork.

   - If needed, cook for an additional few minutes with the lid off to thicken the gravy to your desired consistency.

   - Sprinkle garam masala powder over the cooked mutton curry. Garam masala adds a final layer of warmth and complexity to the dish.

   - Garnish with freshly chopped coriander leaves to add a burst of color and freshness to the curry.

 6. **Serving**:

   - Transfer the mutton curry to a serving dish. Serve hot with steamed rice, naan, or any Indian bread of your choice. The robust flavors of the curry pair wonderfully with these accompaniments.

   - Enjoy your homemade mutton curry with friends and family, savoring each bite of tender meat and aromatic spices.


- Mutton curry can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. Reheat gently on the stovetop or microwave before serving.

 **Health Benefits and Uses**:

- **Protein Source**: Mutton is rich in high-quality protein, essential for muscle repair and growth.

- **Iron Content**: Mutton provides heme iron, which is easily absorbed by the body and important for oxygen transport and energy production.

- **Spice Benefits**: Ginger and garlic in the paste provide anti-inflammatory properties, while spices like chilli powder and garam masala can aid digestion and metabolism.

**Cooking Tips**:

- **Choosing Mutton**: When buying mutton, look for pieces with a good balance of meat and fat. This ensured a flavorful and juicy curry.

- **Onion Caramelization**: Take your time to brown the onions well, as this enhances the sweetness and depth of flavor in the curry.

- **Adjust Spice Levels**: Tailor the amount of chilli powder to suit your preferred level of spiciness. Yogurt or coconut milk can be added to temper the heat if desired.

- **Cooking Times**: Cooking times may vary depending on the size and quality of the mutton pieces. Adjust as needed for tender, flavorful results.

- **Make Ahead**: Mutton curry often tastes even better the next day as the flavors have had time to meld. It’s a great dish for meal prepping or entertaining.


- **Coconut Mutton Curry**: Add coconut milk or grated coconut for a creamy texture and mild sweetness.

- **Tomato-based Curry**: Include chopped tomatoes or tomato puree for a tangier, slightly acidic note in the curry.

- **Regional Spices**: Experiment with regional masalas or spice blends for a unique flavor profile.

By following these detailed steps and tips, you’ll be able to prepare a delicious mutton curry that’s rich in flavor and tender in texture. This dish is perfect for both everyday meals and special occasions, showcasing the versatility and depth of Indian cuisine.

**Nutritional Information (per serving)**:

- Calories: Approximately 400 kcal

- Protein: Approximately 30 grams

- Fat: Approximately 25 grams

- Carbohydrates: Approximately 15 grams

- Fiber: Approximately 3 grams

- Iron: Approximately 4 mg

Note: These values are approximate and can vary based on specific ingredients used and portion sizes.


- Calories: Mutton curry is a calorie-dense dish due to the presence of mutton and cooking oil. It provides a substantial amount of energy, making it a satisfying meal option.

- Protein: Mutton is a rich source of high-quality protein, essential for muscle repair and growth.

- Fat: The fat content primarily comes from cooking oil used for sautéing and the natural fats present in mutton.

- Carbohydrates: Onions and spices contribute a small amount of carbohydrates to the dish.

- Fiber: Provides a small amount of dietary fiber, important for digestive health.

- Iron: Mutton is a good source of heme iron, which is easily absorbed by the body and important for oxygen transport and energy production.

Health Considerations:

- Mutton curry, while nutritious, is also calorie-dense and high in fat. Moderation and portion control are important, especially for individuals watching their calorie intake or managing their fat consumption.

- The dish is rich in protein and iron, making it a beneficial choice for those looking to increase their protein intake or address iron deficiencies.


- You can adjust the nutritional content by modifying the amount of oil used for cooking or by opting for leaner cuts of mutton.

- Including more vegetables like tomatoes or spinach can add fiber and additional vitamins to the dish.

This nutritional breakdown helps you make informed choices about incorporating mutton curry into your diet based on your nutritional needs and health goals.

**Presentation and Servings**:

- Serve hot mutton curry in a decorative serving dish garnished with fresh coriander leaves. Accompany with steamed rice, naan bread, or roti for a complete meal. The rich aroma and vibrant colors make it a visually appealing dish for any occasion.


Mutton curry is not just a dish; it's a culinary experience that combines the richness of mutton with the aromatic blend of spices and herbs. Whether enjoyed on a cozy family dinner night or served at a festive gathering, its flavors evoke a sense of comfort and satisfaction. By following these detailed instructions and tips, you can master the art of making mutton curry at home, delighting your loved ones with each flavorful bite. Embrace the versatility of this dish, experiment with variations, and savor the joy of creating a classic dish that celebrates the essence of Indian cuisine.
